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Artificial Intelligence: Ethical or Unethical ?

Will Artificial Intelligence be Ethical or Unethical? 

Artificial Intelligence(AI), is also sometimes called as Machine Intelligence. This intelligence is demonstrated by machines, in contrast of the Natural Intelligence displayed by the Humans. Machines are becoming more capable, and some tasks that requires intelligence are now replaced by Artificial Intelligence. Though AI is helping in making the task easy to achieve but still there are some ethical issues prevalent in AI and some other ethical issues can arise in the AI when it is fully in action.

Image result for AI

Business Ethics:-

Business ethics is a set of moral values or principles that govern how a business operates or how a people behave. Business ethics is the study of business situations, activities and decisions where the issues of right and wrong are addressed. In the modern age, the most important objective of  every businessmen is to make profit by hook or by crook and they don't even think about the common man.
Thus, these telecom companies also attempt to earn profits by following unethical marketing strategies and by hiding the information and disguising the people.

How AI is related to Business ?

It is useful to look at AI with the lens of bsiness capabilities rather then echnologies. Artificial intelligence is already widely used in business applications, including data analytics, automation and natural language processing. Across industries, these three fields of AI are streamlining operations and improving efficiences. Artificial Intelligence will transform the Business because AI machines cwill do more tasks.

Companies that use AI services:-

1. Amazon (Amazon web services)

and many more companies had already been using AI services and some are now adopting it.

Ethical Issues that can arise in AI :-

1. Unemployment: Job Loss- 
The most important concern that people have with the AI is future loss of the jobs. Many people will be unemployed if they lose their jobs. So, should we strive to fully develop and integrate AI into society, if it means that many people will lose their jobs and quite possibly their livelihood?

2. Wealth Inequality:-
With the job loss, one more issue is related i.e. Wealth inequality. Because economic systems requires workers on hourly wage and if AI is introduced into the economic flow, robots do't get hourly paid. It opens the door for CEOs and stakeholders to keep more company profits and thus, it leads to wealth inequality.

3. AI is not perfect:What if they make mistakes:-
AIs are not immune to making mistakes and machine learning takes time to become useful. AI can perform well using good data. If we feed bad dates or make errors with internal programming, it can be harmful. Teka Microsoft's AI chatbot, Tay, which was released on twitter in 2016. In less than one day, because of the information  received and learned from other Twitter users, the robot learned to spew racist slurs and Nazi propaganda. Microsoft shut the chatbot down immediately since allowing it to live would have obviously damaged the company's reputation. If any AI robot is involved in any car accident, then who will take the responsibility?

4. Will pervasive surveillance be here:-
AI enables companies and governments to keep tabs on what humans are doing in an automated and intelligent fashion. Will a future with AI mean an end to privacy? Will "AI" really always be watching? As facial recognition technologies continue to develop and it becomes easier to detect individuals from a large crowd of people at stations, parks and public spaces without their permission. Then, it will become unethical for the people.


Yes, AI is important for the development. But the adoption of AI is complex because still there are some ethical issues prevalent in this, that should be taken into concern. and first some ethical issues should be fixed in AI. AI is whether good or bad, it can be examined from different angles. We need to keep these issues in mind and keep learning and stay informed in order to make good decisions for our Future.


  1. Very informative content and creative thinking

  2. Yes! Apart from having advantages of AI it has disadvantages too. Which should be considered as a serious issue

    1. Yes, it should be considered seriouly before adopting AI completely.


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